Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Stack & Tilt: Charlie Wi Takes a Second Place at The Colonial

Charlie Wi took a second place this weekend at the Crowne Plaza Invitational. He is arguably the best known golfer still using the Stack & Tilt (S&T) method. Peter Kostis has provided a fairly consistent analysis of his swing in the video above and below.

What's also interesting are Charlie Wi's stats: 286 yards driving distance, fourth in total putting and 15th in scrambling. What I take away from Charlie Wi's performance and approach to golf is that S&T would be a good foundation on which to build a great short game!

And, if you are having trouble hitting your driver with S&T or have been reading negative comments about the S&T driver swing, Peter Kostis provides an excellent analysis of how the S&T driver swing is executed in the second video above. As a bonus, there's a great description of how to use the left leg (the S&T "stand-up" move).

Friday, May 13, 2011

Tiger in the Woods

Tiger Woods withdrew yesterday from the Player's championship (here) after a first nine 42, the result of re-injuring his left knee. The video above is an analysis of the swing problems that are putting pressure on his knee. The analysis is from the Somax Performance Institute, the same people that analyzed Arnold Palmer's swing in a recent post (here).

In the video above, Palmer's swing is also compared favorably to Woods. The key problem for Tiger is that his spine angle gets more acute in the hitting area compared to address. The result is stress on the left knee and wild shots (Tiger in the Woods).

Tiger could get a Day at Somax for $2100. (chump change in his world). I would love to see him get his game back together!

What We Need Now: More Capitalism!

After the greatest financial crisis since the Great Depression, Joe Kernen (an anchor for CNBC) teams up with his daughter (Blake) in their book Your Teacher Said What?! Defending Our Kids from the Liberal Assault on Capitalism to claim that what we need is more Capitalism, specifically, more Capitalism taught to young children.

  • How to make campaign contributions without appearing to bribe politicians.
  • How to beg for tax breaks, special favors and reduced regulation.
  • How to break unions and prevent workers from organizing.
  • How to reduce wages, reduce benefits and eliminate retirement plans while at the same time boosting executive compensation and overall income inequality.
  • How to externalize costs of production (air pollution, hazardous waste dumping and carbon dioxide emissions).
  • How to globalize your business, exploit sweat shop working conditions in peripheral countries and evade US environmental regulations.
  • How to make millions while skimming pennies off large volume transactions.
  • How to document a liar loan.
  • How to get a bailout from the Federal Government.
  • How to chose a sympathetic or incompetent regulator.
  • How to trade on insider information and avoid SEC scrutiny.
  • How to exploit uncertainty in commodity, currency and foreign stock markets.
Now Joe and his daughter do live in New Jersey which, I assume, must be on some other planet, somewhere! A couple of courses in American Capitalism might help.