Saturday, March 26, 2011

The Dangers of Environmentalism

In the aftermath of the Subprime Mortgage Crisis, concern for the environment has been pretty much swept off the table. When was the last time you saw a headline about climate change? The problem hasn't gone away, it's only our attention that has shifted.

A subtle subtext of Prof. William Cronon's run-in with the Wisconsin Republican Party (here) is that (1) Professor Cronon teaches environmental history and (2) the radical right wing sees environmentalism as something inspired by the Devil (see the video above). Professor Cronon's interest in conservative, right-wing groups is certainly motivated by his environmental concerns.

In his blog (here), Professor Cronon suggests that we all need to be more concerned about what's happening in the conservative movement. For example, if you are a public employee or an environmentalist or both, as is Professor Cronon, the activities of conservative think tanks may actually have an effect your job, your income and the world you live in. He suggests studying the following groups:
To this I would also add some of the old-line conservative organizations:
For a more complete list see Right Wing Watch (here) and Source Watch (here). To be completely fair, balanced and even handed (or if you can only take so much from the right wing in one day), here's a list of dangerous environmental organizations to monitor:

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