Monday, July 11, 2011

Just Walk Away

BEHIND THE CURTAIN - Email from a top Democratic aide, re last night's White House meeting: "First off, a number of folks in the room were struck by the fact that Cantor did virtually all of the talking for House Republicans, while Boehner basically just sat there. Second, Reid expressed frustration that every time we try to do something big on the deficit, Republicans walk away from the table. He cited the fiscal commission (when the 7 Republican cosponsors voted against the commission's findings), Coburn walking away from the Gang of 6, Cantor walking away from the Biden talks, and now Boehner walking away from the big deal in the latest round. Differences over substance aside, his point was about process - we're never going to get anything big done for the country if Republicans keep walking away from the table every time talks get serious."

--Another top Dem. aide emails: "To date, Congressional Republicans have voted no on the Simpson-Bowles commission, pulled out of the Gang of Six, abandoned the Biden-led talks, and rejected the President's 'grand bargain'-style offer. The more they keep rejecting compromises for averting a default, the more likely the public is to hold them accountable for the consequences."

--From the White House pooler, WashPost's Scott Wilson: "Pool escorted into Cabinet Room at 6:10pm. POTUS at center, flanked by Sen Reid and Speaker Boehner. Clearly a 'no ties' memo went out; all had open collar shirts and blazers. Sen McConnell had a canary yellow polo-style shirt on, Rep Cantor sported plaid. Pool only allowed to stay in for seconds, literally. A pool member shouted, 'Mr. President, can you get a deal done in 10 days?' POTUS responded, 'We need to.' ... Meeting has ended (at roughly 7:30pm). Aides estimate it lasted approximately 75 minutes."

--Carrie Budoff Brown and David Rogers: "The president argued several times that negotiators should work toward a $4 trillion package for reducing the deficit rather than the smaller one favored by Republicans, calling on them to stand up to their base to get it done. He said both parties would suffer politically, but they need to do something substantial, said a third Democratic official familiar with the meeting. 'If not now, when?' the president said to the group."

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