Saturday, October 1, 2011

Right Wing Fixation on Fertilization

The NY Times ran a comprehensive article today (here) that explores the important role of the world's forests in controlling CO2 emissions and global temperature. The causal diagram below summarizes the article (click to enlarge).
CO2 emissions from fossil fuel burning enter the atmosphere where the greenhouse effect increases global temperature. At the same time, atmospheric CO2 concentrations are absorbed (Co2 sequestration) by the oceans and by the forests. Co2 fertilization increases the growth rate of the forests, but wild fires, insect infestations and water deficits created by global warming decrease forest biomass as does outright deforestation and poor forest management techniques.

The article details how the right wing has latched on to C02 fertilization to argue that global warming (if it really exists) will benefit the planet. Unfortunately, the forces reducing forest growth are overwhelming the CO2 fertilization effect.

In addition to being sinks for carbon emissions, the forests and the oceans provide biodiversity (fish, animals and plants) that are threatened by ocean acidification and forest die-off. The article concludes that we cannot count on natural feedback effects to control climate e.g., there are limits to how many trees we can plant on the available land as a way to absorb Co2 emissions. The only option is to reduce CO2 emissions.

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