I know that the clips of CNN anchor Candy Crowley trying to herd these cats has been played a lot, but it is truly remarkable. At the end of the clips, we have Governor Romney trying to call President Obama a liar and Candy Crowley has to step in and call the Governor a liar! Romney is the last person in the World that should be calling anyone a liar and, as my mother would say, "That's the pot calling the kettle black." Oh wait, in this case it's the challenger calling the President Black! Now it makes sense.
Now imagine that you work for a CEO-type like Mitt Romney and he calls you into his office to tell you that you're a liar. It's happened to me and it makes my stomach turn. In my case, there was no moderator there to call the CEO out and it is obvious that Mitt is just being a typical CEO here. I love watching him stammer after standing there with his pants on fire.
NOTE TO BHO: Just let the guy talk. He just keeps digging himself in deeper.
E. A. Tischler of New Horizons Golf Approach has a book out with a great title "The Secrets of Owning Your Own Swing". For me, this is the most important issue in golf. When you are out on the course and you're not playing very well, you can't give up on the round and wait until your next lesson to figure out what is going wrong. You have to understand ("own") your swing well enough to get your game back on track. If you can do that, you don't need a golf coach!
The other problem with golf instruction is that it is typically a one-size-fits-all approach. You are given the "correct" golf swing and expected to learn it. Unfortunately, everyone's body is different: bone structures are different, muscle masses differ, fat distributions differ, heights differ, athletic abilities differ, body symmetry is different, etc. It is just hard for me to believe that the different somatotypes can all use the same golf swing.
The Laws of Golf approach assumes that body type dictates swing type. This is a little better than one-size-fits-all but the somatotype distinctions are not good enough to help you "own" your golf swing. If you are not playing well, either you are not executing the swing "correctly" or your body type has changed. Since body types don't usually change in the course of a round, you are back to learning the "correct" swing on the course.
E A Tischler's approach involves determining how you hit the best shots and tailoring your swing to your natural preferences based on results rather than conformation to ideal types. In the video above, he describes the three ways you can anchor your swing: front, center or left anchor (basically, front anchor is similar to Stack and Tilt, center anchor is similar to the Somax Swing and rear anchor is similar to the Width Swing). If you accept this line of reasoning, then there is no single way to anchor the golf swing (most conventional instruction, such as GolfTec, is right-anchor).
Tischler's full approach has 12 biomechanical features of the golf swing each with three options (Power-of-Three-Golf). Anchoring is just one of the biomechanical features. Basically, I have been able to work my way through the first five (mostly devoted to accuracy): Swing Path, Swing Track, Wrist Action, Delivery Action (still not sure about this) and Swing Anchor (discussed in the video above--at points the wind noise is bad but it's worth waiting for the wind to subside). The remaining features deal with Power and Feel. Coming at all this from having tried the Width Swing, Stack and Tilt, the Somax Swing and the Hogan Missing Piece Swing was helpful. E A Tischler's approach is a lot to digest but well worth the effort!
I use my blogs to make informal comments on policy topics related to my research interests in computer simulation of the US Health Care System, the US Economy, the US Stock Market, the US Financial System, the Wisconsin Dane County regional economy and the World System. I am retired from the University of Wisconsin -- Madison. I have taught Statistics and Computer Science and also served on the UW's HIPAA Task Force and the Bioterrorism Task Force. I have also been a member of my local planning commission, a jazz guitarist and a golfer, so some of that may find its way into the blogs.