Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Blog Roll

No, a blog roll is not a WWII hair style (Victory Rolls), it's just a list of my blogs and the blogs of other writers I find interesting (see the right-hand column on the web version). I started blogging in 2009 and received a lot better feedback at the start. Now, social media has thrown a pail of cold water on the blog-o-sphere, but things (I hope) are changing. Social media has become a cesspool of political opinions and vented grievances, but that has a use too. I've also become a little disenchanted with academic journals which seem to be more connected to career advancement (I'm retired). So, I will continue blogging. Let me pull my blogs out of the BLOG LIST in the right-hand column (if you are viewing this on the web version) and explain why I have so many.

Maybe it wasn't a great idea to pull out separate topics for different blogs (that doesn't seem to be the preferred choice of bloggers), but reading a jumble of topics seemed tiresome, so I split out the following themes:
I have other blogs out there and I usually post interesting blog articles on social media. 

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