Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Stack and Tilt: The "Two" Standup Moves

In the video above, PGA professional Mike Bennett (co-founder of the Stack and Tilt Swing, S&T) gives New Zealand PGA professional Marcus Wheelhouse a lesson. Mike Bennet discusses a number of interesting issues here, but what caught my attention was his discussion of the two standup moves.

My basic swing thought in S&T has been: stack-tilt-standup. It turns out that there are actually two standup moves in the swing, one on the backswing and one on the follow through. Mike also mentions the reason for straightening the left leg and describes ground loading (squatting down and standing up on the second standup).

So, for all of us who would like a lesson from Mike Bennett, this is about as close as we'll get!


  1. The good thing I liked when you buy this product, you save yourself considerable amounts of money you will be paying to a golf instructor to train you on the same stuff you would learn through Stack and Tilt.

    1. Madiha: I agree completely. The book and DVD gave me everything I needed. I would also like to spend some time with a good launch monitor (TrackMan or FlightScope) to do some fine tuning. Thanks for commenting!
