Thursday, September 23, 2010

Stack & Tilt: My Setup

In a prior post, I showed video clips of my current S&T swing compared to the one suggested by a GolfTEC PGA pro during a swing evaluation session (you should see a number of other GolfTEC videos when you look at either of my videos, here or here--very interesting). Now I'll get into the details starting with the setup.

Considering just the top three frames (starting in frame 1, it's me, Tiger and Stack & Tilt). GolfTEC wanted me : (1) in a more athletic posture (I was standing taller to avoid fat shots), (2) standing further away to get more space between hands and body, and (3) with more bend from waist (like Tiger). About all that's good about my current setup is the knee flex. Notice that the S&T setup (frame 3, top) is halfway between me and Tiger.

On the bottom three frames (Ernie Els, me and S&T), GolfTEC wanted: (1) the ball played a little more forward in the stance (I'm hitting a seven iron here), (2) feet less flared (this was, from the LAWs of Golf Width swing, designed to get more turn), (3) good forward shaft lean, (4) upper body and head behind the golf ball (the diagonal green arrow is there to suggest moving the body and head behind the ball). Compared to the S&T setup (frame 3 on the bottom), my weight is not as far on my left side as they would suggest (that never felt comfortable to me). Compare the head positions in the bottom three frames: Ernie is behind the ball, I am right over the ball and S&T is actually ahead of the ball.

I like the more athletic setup. Interestingly, I can't do S&T from that setup! What I can do is V. J. Trolio's "Hogan's Missing Piece" swing (more about that later). The green numbers on the middle frame, bottom show that my setup is on the OK but marginal side (the number backgrounds would be yellow or red for poor positions--you'll see more of those later).

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