Yesterday on the Golf Channel Academy, I heard Greg Norman give an interesting explanation of how he starts the golf swing. As I've noted in prior posts (here), the Somax Institute recommends starting the golf swing with the left knee. In the Golf Channel interview, Norman commented that he did not like to start with his left knee but rather by turning his right pocket toward the target. He also mentioned that he had to develop a stand-up move to avoid hitting the ball fat (see the Stack & Tilt standup move here and, of course, that comment caught my attention).
In the video above and the frame I've isolated here, Wayne DeFrancesco discusses these two moves (and other unusual aspects of Norman's swing). He describes the moves as "butt under" (another Stack and Tit idea or problem for the critics) and "head back" (standup?).
I have not been able to hit balls trying Norman's approach to starting the golf swing, but it's worth exploring. Now I have three ways to start the golf swing: left knee (Somax style), left shoulder (Width Swing style) and now the right pocket rotation. I have had success with each of the first two approaches. Potentially, each could be done in a sequence similar to that recommended by the Somax Institute. What seems important here is to find a way to start the golf swing without using your hands!
In the Golf Channel video I also noticed that in Greg Norman's current swing, he stays much more centered over the ball, maybe even with a little left-side anchor than he did in the video above (DeFrancesco comments on Norman's right-anchor at the beginning of the video). Possibly, as we age, there needs to be some swing changes to compensate for changes in athleticism, which Greg Norman had plenty of all through his life!
In any event, I had a very nice Greg Norman wine for dinner tonight that can wash away any pain you might have lingering from bad golf swings.
I use my blogs to make informal comments on policy topics related to my research interests in computer simulation of the US Health Care System, the US Economy, the US Stock Market, the US Financial System, the Wisconsin Dane County regional economy and the World System. I am retired from the University of Wisconsin -- Madison. I have taught Statistics and Computer Science and also served on the UW's HIPAA Task Force and the Bioterrorism Task Force. I have also been a member of my local planning commission, a jazz guitarist and a golfer, so some of that may find its way into the blogs.
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